The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.
Mahatma Gandhi
Service Projects
Any Scout looking to complete a service project needs to speak with Mr. Weber – the ASM in charge of service projects. Scouts leading a project are responsible for coordinating sign-ups and communicating logistics for their service project. The Troop maintains a list of available service projects from outside groups and agencies whenever possible. You may also (and are encouraged to) develop your own idea for a service project. All service projects need the prior approval of both Mr. Weber and Mr. Shaw, using the appropriate form.
Please speak to or email Mr. Weber for more information, or use the form below to get in touch:
Note: Scouts who organize a service project are reminded to turn in their final paperwork (post-project report, sign-in/out sheet, and completed JTE report) as soon as possible after the completion of their project.
Clarification Regarding Service Hour Requirement for Star/Life Rank Advancement:
The BSA recently changed the service requirement for Star and Life Ranks. As a result of this rule change, the service requirement for both ranks is for participation only. Planning, development and/or leadership of service projects for Star and Life rank is not officially required. HOWEVER, it is Troop 8’s preference that our scouts provide project leadership on their Star and Life rank service projects to better prepare them for their Eagle service project and other leadership opportunities inside/outside of Scouts. In keeping with the BSA guidelines, it is not required, but it will be strongly encouraged.
For clarity, please note the service requirements for Star and Life Ranks:
Star Rank: While a First Class Scout, participate in six hours of service through one or more service projects approved by your Scoutmaster.
Life Rank: While a Star Scout participate in six hours of service through one or more service projects approved by your Scoutmaster. At least three hours o this service must be conservation related.
SERV Awards
SERV awards are awarded annually. You qualify for a SERV Award if you accumulated the following service hours throughout the year:
Bronze – 8 hours
Silver – 12 hours
Gold – 20 hours
The SERV award year runs from December 1st through November 30th, so get moving on earning those hours for 2022!