Email Mr. Shaw if you need a Merit Badge Blue Card.
Merit Badge Process in Troop 8:
A list of all merit badges (there are more than 135) are published at To earn the rank of Eagle a minimum of 21 merit badges are required. Thirteen (13) merit badges are from a required list.
The Merit Badge Process (when working on merit badges outside of Summer Camp):
- Once you have identified a merit badge that you would like to work on, you should send an email to Mr. Shaw (or use form below), to request a merit badge card (commonly called a blue card).
- Mr. Shaw will approve your request by signing a merit badge card containing the name and contact information of a merit badge counselor. He will mail the card to you.
- It is your responsibility to get in touch with the merit badge counselor and explain that you want to earn a merit badge (remember to cc parents/guardians on all Scouting emails with other adults).
- The counselor may ask to meet you to explain what is expected, and how you should get started on meeting requirements.
- You should also discuss work you have already started or possibly completed!
- Note: a number of merit badges require approval from the merit badge counselor prior to start working on the requirements.
- At completion of the merit badge work, the Merit Badge Counselor will sign your blue card. He/she will keep one third for their records. Sometimes it may be necessary to mail a blue card to the counselor for their signature – be sure to include an SASE for them to return the signed card to you.
- Return the rest of the blue card (remaining 2 sections) to Mr. Shaw via mail (use the contact form for his address if you need it), or at a Troop meeting.
- Merit badges are presented to all scouts at Courts of Honor.
Merit Badge Request Form
Required Eagle Merit Badges
- First Aid
- Citizenship in the Community
- Citizenship in the Nation
- Citizenship in the World
- Citizenship in Society
- Communication
- Cooking
- Personal Fitness
- Emergency Preparedness OR Lifesaving
- Environmental Science OR Sustainability
- Personal Management
- Swimming OR Hiking OR Cycling
- Camping
- Family Life